I will learn to let go

Lost myself in my past
The fear is stronger than the reality
My personality faded fast
I am not who I want to be
The desire for recognition
Too strong present
The constant doubt becomes a condition
All this feels so unpleasant
Lost between fundament and personality
The constant battle in my mind
Am I unique or an abnormality
I can’t find my place in humankind
Please see my authenticity
When I am too scared to show
When I can’t see my own reality
Will you let me know
My fundament is broken
My personality strong
My thoughts are unspoken
I don’t know where I belong
I would like to let go
Let go of all the fear
The fear is too strong though
To let anyone come near
Kind, caring, spontaneous and cheerful
That’s my personality, that is me.
All I want is to be less fearful
And let my personality just be
My fundament yearns for love
Acceptance, approval and validation
But look beyond all of the above
Because it is part my limitation
I see it now
I will learn to let go
I will find out how
And let my personality grow
Until then, I ask for a friend
Someone who can sympathize
And love me when I can’t

Ziekte: Depressie/burn-out

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